كيفية تمكين الوضع المظلم على تقويم جوجل: الدليل الكامل

In today’s world of technology, أصبح قضاء الكثير من الوقت أمام الشاشات أمرًا شائعًا. لكن, وهذا يمكن أن يكون له تأثير سلبي على صحة العين ونوعية النوم. لذلك, العديد من الخدمات, بما في ذلك تقويم جوجل, تقديم خيارات الوضع المظلم لتقليل إجهاد العين وتحسين سهولة الاستخدام. في هذه المقالة, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode on Google Calendar using the Dark Mode extension on both your computer and mobile devices.

1. Setting Up Dark Mode on Google Calendar on Desktop
  • Install the Dark Mode extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Restart your browser to apply the changes.
  • Go to Google Calendar settings and select the “الوضع المظلم” خيار.
2. Enabling Dark Mode on Google Calendar on Mobile Devices
  • Install the Dark Mode extension from the Google Play Store.
  • Restart your phone after installation.
  • Open the Google Calendar app and activate dark mode in the settings.
3. Advantages of Using Dark Mode on Google Calendar
  • Reduces eye strain when working during nighttime hours.
  • Saves battery life on mobile devices.
  • Creates a more comfortable atmosphere for work and reading.
  • Decreases the impact of blue light on sleep.
4. Supported Platforms and Browsers
  • The Dark Mode extension is supported on all major browsers, including Google Chrome, موزيلا فايرفوكس, ومايكروسوفت إيدج.
  • It is also compatible with Windows, macOS, and Android operating systems.
5. Installing Dark Mode for Google Calendar on Mobile Devices
  • For iOS users: download the extension from the App Store and activate it in the settings.
  • Android users: find the extension in the Google Play Store and follow the installation instructions.
6. Extension Link

Install the Dark Mode extension for Google Calendar now: وصلة


Now you know how to enable dark mode on Google Calendar for a more comfortable experience on both your computer and mobile devices. Follow our instructions and enjoy a pleasant user experience with this convenient service!

Alex Miller متخصص المنتج في الوضع المظلم
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