Tryb ciemny dla stron internetowych

Open up a new level of comfort and style on the internet with Dark Mode for websites. Our innovative Dark Mode extension allows you to indulge in an immersive dark theme on any website, making your online experience more pleasant and comfortable.

Why Dark Mode for websites?

Dark Mode is becoming increasingly popular among users who value comfort and eye protection while browsing websites. Our Dark Mode extension enables you to easily switch to a dark theme on any website, reducing eye strain and ensuring a more enjoyable content viewing experience.

Supported features:

  1. Smooth toggling: Our extension provides smooth and instantaneous toggling between light and dark themes on any website, without delays or page reloads.
  2. Customization: You can customize the dark mode to your preferences by adjusting brightness, kontrast, and other parameters to create the most comfortable atmosphere for your viewing.
  3. Support for all websites: Our extension is compatible with any website and most browsers, allowing you to enjoy the dark mode on all your favorite sites, including social networks, news portals, online stores, and more.

Join millions of users who have already appreciated the benefits of Dark Mode for websites. Enhance your online experience and protect your eyes with Dark Mode Extension today!

Enable anywhere

Universal Applicability

Our Dark Mode Extension functions seamlessly across all websites, enhancing your online experience. Regardless of the website you visit, you can indulge in a soothing dark theme without compromising on user satisfaction.

Consistent Layout

In contrast to numerous other add-ons, our Dark Mode Extension preserves website layouts intact. Feel confident that your browsing sessions will remain smooth and uninterrupted even with the dark theme activated.

Extensive Browser Compatibility

Dark Mode Extension is fully compatible with major browsers like Chrome, Krawędź, Opera, Odważny, Przeglądarka Yandex, as well as numerous other specialized browsers. This ensures you can employ our extension across all your preferred browsers without any constraints.

Adaptability to Various Website Versions

Our extension guarantees seamless compatibility with diverse website versions. Whether you’re navigating through an older or updated iteration of your favorite site, you can seamlessly enjoy the dark theme without any glitches. Ponadto, you have the flexibility to customize an array of settings for dark and light modes separately for each website. For instance, you can fine-tune shades of gray, sepia tones, brightness levels, i kontrast!

Eye Care Emphasis

Dark Mode Extension is primarily crafted to safeguard your vision. The dark mode functionality aids in reducing eye strain and mitigating the adverse effects of harmful blue light. This aspect is especially crucial for individuals dealing with various eye conditions or those who spend extended periods in front of screens.

Intuitive User Interface

Our extension boasts a user-friendly interface that caters to users of all skill levels, making it exceptionally convenient to utilize.


Briana Lopeza

Móc 25, 2023
Bezproblemowo obsługuje strony firmowe (Tak, niektóre inne wtyczki też zarządzają, ale psują wszystkie ramki, tabele tracą formatowanie, i strona staje się ciemna, ale prawie nieczytelna) – wszystkie elementy interfejsu są widoczne i na swoim miejscu, interfejs wygląda natywny, byłoby miło mieć możliwość zastąpienia niektórych kolorów innymi.

Miguela Thomasa

Sierpień 30, 2023
Używał go przez długi czas, niedawno został opłacony, smutny( 5 gwiazdki za wygodną funkcjonalność.


Lipiec 17, 2022
Wow, to pierwsza rzecz, która zaciemnia kiepski interfejs pracy pracowników banku.

Andrzej Franciszek

Móc 27, 2022
To najlepszy ciemniejszy ze wszystkich, które próbowałem (i próbowałem około trzech tuzinów). Nie ma żadnych wad, nawet cleartype działa! Pozostawienie tego na zawsze.
Tryb ciemny