Jak skonfigurować tryb ciemny na Dysku Google: Kompletny przewodnik dotyczący korzystania z rozszerzenia trybu ciemnego

Have you ever thought about reducing the brightness of your Google Drive screen and creating a more pleasant working space? Z trybem ciemnym, this is now possible! W tym artykule, we will show you how to set up dark mode on Google Drive using the Dark Mode browser extension. Discover a simple and effective way to transform your workflow and enhance your Google Drive experience.

Why Use Dark Mode on Google Drive?

  1. Zmniejszone zmęczenie oczu: Dark mode lowers screen brightness and helps reduce eye strain during prolonged use.
  2. Increased Comfort: Softer and more pleasant dark theme tones can create a more comfortable visual perception for users.
  3. Zwiększona koncentracja: The dark background helps focus attention on content, making working with Google Drive more efficient.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Google Drive:

Zainstaluj rozszerzenie trybu ciemnego:
  • Go to the Chrome Web Store and find the Dark Mode extension.
  • Kliknij „Dodaj do Chrome” aby zainstalować rozszerzenie.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Aktywuj tryb ciemny:
  • Po zainstalowaniu rozszerzenia, open Google Drive in your browser.
  • Find the Dark Mode extension icon in your browser’s toolbar.
  • Click on the icon to toggle dark mode on or off for Google Drive.
Dostosuj swoje wrażenia:
  • Dostosuj ustawienia rozszerzenia, aby dostosować tryb ciemny do swoich preferencji.
  • You can choose to automatically enable dark mode on specific sites or at specific times of the day.
Enjoy Working in Dark Mode:
  • Now you can enjoy a more comfortable and stylish working space in Google Drive with dark mode.
  • Remember, reducing screen brightness can make your work more enjoyable and efficient.


Enabling dark mode on Google Drive using the Dark Mode extension is a simple and effective way to improve your workflow and make your Google Drive usage more enjoyable. Install the Dark Mode extension now and transform your Google Drive experience!

Aleksa Millera Specjalista ds. produktu w trybie ciemnym
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Tryb ciemny