Como desativar o modo escuro no Google Docs: Guia Completo

Turning off dark mode on Google Docs is just a few simple steps away. Neste guia, we’ll walk you through the process of disabling dark mode on Google Docs using the Dark Mode extension.

Como desativar o modo escuro no Google Docs

Google Docs is a powerful tool for creating and editing documents in real-time. If you’re not a fan of the dark interface theme, you can easily switch it off. Here’s how:

  1. Open Google Docs: Visit the Google Docs website in your browser.
  2. Sign In (se necessário): If you’re not signed in already, log in to your Google account.
  3. Access Settings: Click on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen, then select “Configurações.”
  4. Choose Interface Theme: No menu de configurações, encontre o “Em geral” section and locate the “Tema” setting. Make sure theStandardoption is selected.
  5. Disable Dark Mode in Dark Mode App: If you have the Dark Mode app installed, disable dark mode in it. This will allow Google Docs to use standard color scheme settings.
  6. Save Changes: After selecting the standard interface theme, clickDone” para salvar suas alterações.
  7. Refresh Google Docs Page: Para aplicar as alterações, refresh the Google Docs page.
  8. Enjoy the Light Interface: You’ve successfully turned off dark mode on Google Docs and can now comfortably work with documents in the light mode.


Now you know how to easily disable dark mode on Google Docs and switch back to the standard light interface for more comfortable document editing.

Alex Miller Especialista de Produto para Modo Escuro
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