Полное руководство по включению темного режима в поиске Google

Are you tired of the blinding brightness of Google Search? Wish to give your eyes some relief with a sleek dark mode? You’re in luck! В этом подробном руководстве, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode on Google Search using the Dark Mode browser extension. Используете ли вы Chrome, Firefox, or any other major browser, dark mode will transform your Google searches into a more pleasant experience.

Шаг 1: Установите расширение темного режима

Первый шаг — установить расширение Dark Mode для вашего браузера.. Расширение можно найти в Интернет-магазине Chrome., Firefox Add-ons, or the respective extension store for your browser. Simply search for «Темный режим» and click on the «Add to [Browser Namebutton to install it.

Шаг 2: Enable Dark Mode for Google Search

После установки расширения, navigate to the Google Search homepage. Look for the Dark Mode icon in your browser’s toolbar or extensions menu. Click on the icon to toggle dark mode for Google Search on or off. You can also customize the extension’s settings to automatically enable dark mode for specific websites, including Google Search.

Шаг 3: Enjoy Dark Mode on Google Search

С включенным темным режимом, your Google Search results page will now appear in a darker color scheme, снижение нагрузки на глаза, особенно во время ночных сеансов просмотра. Enjoy a more comfortable and visually appealing browsing experience with dark mode on Google Search.

Benefits of Dark Mode on Google Search:

  1. Снижение нагрузки на глаза: Dark mode reduces the brightness of the screen, чтобы глазам было легче, особенно в условиях низкой освещенности.
  2. Улучшенная читаемость: The contrast between text and background is enhanced in dark mode, leading to improved readability and comprehension of search results.
  3. Extended Battery Life: For users on mobile devices, dark mode can help conserve battery life by reducing the amount of power consumed by the display.
  4. Стильный внешний вид: Dark mode gives Google Search a sleek and modern look, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the browsing experience.


Enabling dark mode on Google Search is a simple yet effective way to enhance your browsing experience. With the Dark Mode browser extension, you can customize the appearance of Google Search to suit your preferences and reduce eye strain during prolonged browsing sessions. Install the extension today and enjoy a more comfortable and visually appealing Google Search experience.

Алекс Миллер Специалист по продукту для темного режима
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