Utforska den mörka sidan av kunskap: Hur man aktiverar mörkt läge på Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the go-to online encyclopedia for information seekers worldwide, offers a wealth of knowledge on virtually any topic. dock, if you find the bright interface strains your eyes during late-night research sessions, fear not! I den här guiden, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode on Wikipedia using the Dark Mode browser extension. Whether you’re accessing Wikipedia on your desktop or mobile device, dark mode provides a more comfortable reading experience, allowing you to delve into the depths of knowledge without eye strain.

Enabling dark mode on Wikipedia is a simple process with the Dark Mode extension.

Follow these steps to transform your browsing experience:

  1. Installera Dark Mode Extension: Start by installing the Dark Mode extension from the Chrome Web Store. You can find the extension by following this länk. Klicka på ”Lägg till i Chrome” and follow the installation prompts.
  2. Aktivera mörkt läge: När tillägget är installerat, navigate to Wikipedia and click on the Dark Mode icon in your browser’s toolbar. This will toggle dark mode on, instantly transforming the bright white background to a more subdued, eye-friendly dark theme.
  3. Anpassa din upplevelse: The Dark Mode extension allows you to customize your dark mode experience further. Du kan justera inställningar som ljusstyrka, kontrast, and font size to suit your preferences. Dessutom, you can enable dark mode on other websites or set it to activate automatically during specific times of the day.

Med mörkt läge aktiverat, your Wikipedia browsing sessions will be more enjoyable and less taxing on your eyes. Say goodbye to the harsh glare of the standard light theme and hello to a more comfortable reading experience, day or night.


Enabling dark mode on Wikipedia with the Dark Mode extension is a simple yet effective way to enhance your browsing experience. Whether you’re conducting research, studying, or simply browsing for leisure, dark mode provides a more comfortable and visually appealing alternative to the default light theme. Install the Dark Mode extension today and unlock the dark side of knowledge on Wikipedia!

Alex Miller Produktspecialist för mörkt läge
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Mörkt läge