如何使用深色模式扩展在 Brave 浏览器中启用深色模式

Are you tired of the bright white interface in Brave browser? 您想用优雅的深色模式定制您的浏览体验吗? 那么您来对地方了! 在这份综合指南中, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode in Brave using the Dark Mode extension. Whether you’re browsing at night or simply prefer a more comfortable look, dark mode in Brave will make your internet experience more enjoyable and convenient.

Dark Mode in Brave: How It Works

Brave is a fast and private web browser with built-in protection against tracking and numerous useful features. But if you want to change its default light interface to a dark one, you have the option to do so. The Dark Mode extension is a browser tool that adds a dark theme to websites, including Brave.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Brave

  1. 安装深色模式扩展: The first step is to install the Dark Mode extension from the Chrome Web Store. Simply follow the 关联 and click theAdd to Bravebutton to add it to your browser.
  2. 激活深色模式: 安装扩展后, visit any website in Brave. Find the Dark Mode extension icon in the top right corner of your browser and click on it. 这将在当前网页上激活深色模式.
  3. Customize to Your Preference: The Dark Mode extension offers some settings that you can adjust to your preferences. 例如, you can customize when dark mode will automatically activate and choose whether to apply it to the entire website or only to specific elements.
  4. 检查结果: After activating dark mode on websites in Brave, be sure to check how comfortable it is for you to view the content now. 如果有什么不适合你, you can always disable the extension or adjust its settings to meet your needs.

Advantages of Dark Mode in Brave

  • 减少眼睛疲劳: Dark mode reduces screen brightness and makes reading in the evening or at night more comfortable.
  • 节能: Dark mode also helps save energy on mobile devices, increasing battery life.
  • 时尚外观: Not just comfort, but style too. The dark theme gives Brave a more modern and elegant look.
如何使用深色模式扩展在 Brave 浏览器中启用深色模式


Now you know how easy it is to enable dark mode in Brave and customize it to your preferences using the Dark Mode extension. Enjoy a more comfortable and stylish browsing experience in your favorite websites in the Brave browser!

亚历克斯·米勒 深色模式产品专家
  1. 如何在 Google 课堂上启用深色模式: 分步指南
  2. 如何在 YouTube 上关闭暗模式
  3. 在亚马逊和亚马逊应用程序上启用深色模式
  4. 在 Google 搜索上启用深色模式的完整指南
  5. 使用 Chrome 中的自动深色模式增强您的网络浏览体验