如何在 Google 上启用深色模式: 分步指南

Dark mode has become increasingly popular among users for its ability to reduce eye strain and improve readability, 尤其是在夜间浏览时. 在这份综合指南中, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode on Google using the Dark Mode extension. Follow these step-by-step instructions to transform your Google experience.

1. Installing the Dark Mode Extension for Google

Before you can enable dark mode on Google, 您需要从 Chrome 网上应用店安装深色模式扩展程序. 只需导航至商店, 搜索 “深色模式,” 然后单击 “添加到 Chrome” 安装扩展. 安装后, 您将在浏览器工具栏中看到一个新图标.

2. Enabling Dark Mode on Google

安装深色模式扩展后, you can now enable dark mode on Google. Open any Google service such as Search, Gmail, or Drive in your browser. 在工具栏中查找深色模式图标 - 它通常类似于月亮或太阳. 单击此图标可打开或关闭深色模式. You’ll notice an immediate change in the color scheme of the Google interface.

3. 自定义深色模式设置

如果您想进一步定制您的深色模式体验, 您可以通过单击“深色模式”图标并选择 “选项。” 这里, 您会找到调整亮度的设置, 对比, 和颜色反转以更好地满足您的喜好和需求.

4. Dark Mode on Google Chrome

In addition to enabling dark mode on individual Google services, you can also activate dark mode on Google Chrome itself. Open Chrome and navigate to the browser settings. Look for the Appearance section and select “黑暗的” from the Theme dropdown menu. This will apply dark mode to the entire browser interface, including tabs and menus.

5. Benefits of Using Dark Mode on Google

  • 减少眼睛疲劳: 深色模式可减少屏幕发出的蓝光量, which can help reduce eye strain, particularly during extended browsing sessions.
  • 提高可读性: The darker background enhances contrast and readability, making it easier to focus on content, 尤其是在弱光环境下.
  • Energy Efficiency: Dark mode can help conserve battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens by reducing the amount of power consumed by pixels.
  • 个性化: 带有深色模式, you can customize your browsing experience to better suit your preferences and create a more comfortable environment.


Enabling dark mode on Google is a simple yet effective way to enhance your browsing experience and reduce eye strain. 按照本指南中概述的步骤并安装深色模式扩展, you can enjoy a more comfortable and visually appealing Google experience.

Alex Miller 深色模式产品专家
  1. 如何在 MacBook 的 Chrome 上启用和禁用深色模式
  2. 如何在 Google 上启用深色模式: 分步指南
  3. 最大限度地提高 Zendesk 的舒适度: 如何启用深色模式以获得更好的用户体验
  4. 如何在 Google Drive 上设置深色模式: 使用深色模式扩展的完整指南
  5. 使用深色模式扩展在 Coursera 上启用深色模式