如何关闭 Gmail 的深色模式: 完整指南

Gmail is one of the most popular email services, offering various settings and features for convenient use. 然而, many users prefer working in a light interface mode, and the ability to switch to dark mode may cause difficulties. 在本文中, we will tell you how to turn off dark mode on Gmail and return to the familiar light interface.

What is Dark Mode in Gmail?

Dark mode is a feature that changes the color scheme of the Gmail interface to a darker one. 这对于在弱光条件下工作或喜欢深色主题设计的人来说非常有用. 然而, 对于某些用户, 这可能不方便或不受欢迎. 在这种情况下, 你需要知道如何禁用这个功能.

如何关闭 Gmail 的深色模式

If you want to turn off dark mode on Gmail and return to the standard light interface, 按照这些简单的步骤操作:

  1. Open your browser: Go to the Gmail website and sign in to your account if you haven’t already.
  2. 安装深色模式扩展: To disable dark mode in Gmail, 您首先需要安装深色模式扩展. Follow the 关联 and install this extension in your Google Chrome browser.
  3. 激活扩展: 安装扩展后, open Gmail in your browser. 在屏幕的右上角, 您将看到深色模式扩展图标. 单击它打开设置菜单.
  4. 调整主题: 在设置菜单中, 选择 “主题” 选项并将其更改为 “黑暗的” 到 “光。”
  5. 保存更改: 选择浅色主题后, 关闭设置菜单.
  6. Refresh the Gmail page: 应用更改, refresh the Gmail page.
  7. 享受轻量级界面: You have successfully turned off dark mode on Gmail and can now comfortably manage your emails in the light mode.



Now you know how to easily disable dark mode on Gmail using the Dark Mode extension. Enjoy convenient email management in the light mode and easily manage your messages without any extra difficulties.

Alex Miller 深色模式产品专家
  1. 如何在 Gmail 上启用深色模式: 综合指南
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