如何在 Google Discovery 上启用深色模式: 使用深色模式扩展的分步指南

Are you tired of the blinding brightness of Google Discovery? Wish to browse through your personalized feed in a more comfortable and visually appealing way? Dark mode is the solution! 在本指南中, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up dark mode on Google Discovery using the Dark Mode browser extension. Say goodbye to eye strain and hello to a more enjoyable browsing experience.

Why Use Dark Mode on Google Discovery?

Dark mode offers several benefits, 包括减少眼睛疲劳, 提高可读性, and enhanced visual comfort. By switching to dark mode on Google Discovery, you can browse your personalized feed for longer periods without discomfort.

如何在 Google Discovery 上启用深色模式:

1. 安装深色模式扩展:
  • 访问 Chrome 网上应用店并搜索深色模式扩展程序.
  • 点击 “添加到 Chrome” 并按照提示安装扩展.
  • 安装后, 深色模式图标将出现在浏览器的工具栏中.
2. 激活深色模式:
  • Open Google Discovery in your browser.
  • Locate the Dark Mode extension icon in the toolbar.
  • Click on the icon to toggle dark mode on for Google Discovery.
3. 定制您的体验:
  • Adjust the extension settings to customize dark mode according to your preferences.
  • You can choose to enable dark mode automatically on specific websites or during certain times of the day.
4. Enjoy Dark Mode on Google Discovery:
  • 启用深色模式, enjoy browsing through your personalized feed on Google Discovery with reduced eye strain and improved visual comfor


Enabling dark mode on Google Discovery using the Dark Mode extension is a simple and effective way to enhance your browsing experience. Whether you’re catching up on news, exploring topics of interest, or staying informed, dark mode provides a more comfortable and visually appealing way to browse through your personalized feed. Install the Dark Mode extension today and transform your Google Discovery experience!

亚历克斯·米勒 深色模式产品专家
  1. 揭开 YouTube 的阴暗面: 如何解决深色模式不起作用的问题
  2. 掌握黑暗模式: 增强您的网络浏览体验
  3. 如何关闭 Gmail 的深色模式: 完整指南
  4. 使用深色模式增强电子邮件体验: 设置和设计指南
  5. 如何在 Google 文档上关闭深色模式: 完整指南