Gmailのダークモードをオフにする方法: 完全ガイド

Gmail is one of the most popular email services, offering various settings and features for convenient use. しかし, many users prefer working in a light interface mode, and the ability to switch to dark mode may cause difficulties. 記事上で, we will tell you how to turn off dark mode on Gmail and return to the familiar light interface.

What is Dark Mode in Gmail?

Dark mode is a feature that changes the color scheme of the Gmail interface to a darker one. This can be useful for working in low-light conditions or for those who prefer dark theme designs. しかし, for some users, this may be inconvenient or undesirable. In this case, you need to know how to disable this feature.


If you want to turn off dark mode on Gmail and return to the standard light interface, これらの簡単な手順に従ってください:

  1. Open your browser: Go to the Gmail website and sign in to your account if you haven’t already.
  2. ダークモード拡張機能をインストールする: To disable dark mode in Gmail, you first need to install the Dark Mode extension. Follow the リンク and install this extension in your Google Chrome browser.
  3. 拡張機能をアクティブ化する: 拡張機能をインストールした後, open Gmail in your browser. In the top right corner of the screen, you will see the Dark Mode extension icon. Click on it to open the settings menu.
  4. Adjust the theme: In the settings menu, select theThemeoption and change it from “暗い” toLight.
  5. Save changes: After selecting the light theme, close the settings menu.
  6. Refresh the Gmail page: To apply the changes, refresh the Gmail page.
  7. 軽快なインターフェイスをお楽しみください: You have successfully turned off dark mode on Gmail and can now comfortably manage your emails in the light mode.



Now you know how to easily disable dark mode on Gmail using the Dark Mode extension. Enjoy convenient email management in the light mode and easily manage your messages without any extra difficulties.

Alex Miller ダークモード製品スペシャリスト
  1. Udemy ダークモード: ダークモードによるUdemyの学習体験の向上: 目に優しいオンライン教育のためのヒント
  2. ダークモードをマスターする: Web ブラウジング体験を向上させる
  3. ダークモード拡張機能を使用してGoogleサービスのダークモードをオフにする方法
  4. Tumblrでダークモードを有効にする方法: 包括的なガイド
  5. ブラウジング体験を向上させる: ダークモード拡張機能を使用して Linux でダークモードを有効にする方法